Pengertian Between The Legs Dribble Pada Permainan Bola Basket Adalah

Pengertian Between The Legs Dribble Pada Permainan Bola Basket Adalah

Tips untuk menguasai dribble

Menguasai berbagai macam dribble dalam bola basket tidak hanya meningkatkan keterampilan individu, tetapi juga memberikan kontribusi besar terhadap performa tim secara keseluruhan. Dengan latihan yang konsisten dan dedikasi, pemain dapat mengembangkan kemampuan dribble yang efektif dan menjadi ancaman nyata di lapangan.

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Basket Adalah Permainan Bola Besar Dimana Permainan Ini Dapat Dilakukan Di Dalam Ruangan

Apa Itu Teknik Dribble?

Apa itu dribbling basket?

Dribbling pada basket merupakan teknik untuk menggiring bola menggunakan satu tangan dan tidak boleh menggunakan kedua tangan sekaligus.

Menggiring bola sendiri maksudnya memantulkan bola ke lantai dengan satu tangan sambil berlari.

Jadi, kamu membawa bola basket dengan memantul-mantulkannya ke arah lantai dengan satu tangan atau bergantian sambil berjalan atau berlari.

Dribbling ini sendiri digunakan untuk melindungi bola agar tidak bisa direbut oleh lawan.

Dribbling ada beberapa macam, lho! Cari tahu macam-macamnya di bawah ini, ya!

Ankle breaker dribble

Kemudian, ada teknik ankle breaker dribble yang bisa dilakukan saat tim sedang dalam situasi menyerang dengan cara menggiring bola cepat sehingga pemain lawan jatuh karena kehilangan keseimbangan.

Teknik selanjutnya yaitu menahan bola sebentar saat melakukan dribble yang bertujuan memecah konsentrasi lawan dan mencari posisi terbaik melakukan tembakan (shooting).

Selanjutnya, cari tahu langkah-langkah melakukan dribbling di bawah ini!

Apa 4 Langkah untuk Melakukan Dribbling?

Untuk melakukan dribble, ada setidaknya 4 (empat) langkah yang harus kamu lakukan, yakni:

Itulah berbagai hal tentang dribble bola basket.

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Kamu bisa cari berbagai paket Telkomsel dari aplikasi MyTelkomsel, ya! Sedang ada program berhadiah yaitu Stamp Berhadiah yang bisa kamu ikuti juga, lho!

Baca Juga: Teknik Dasar Sepak Bola yang Wajib Kamu Ketahui! - Dribble adalah salah satu keterampilan dasar yang sangat penting dalam permainan bola basket. Kemampuan dribble yang baik memungkinkan pemain untuk mengontrol bola dengan lebih efektif, menghindari lawan, dan menciptakan peluang untuk mencetak skor. Dalam artikel ini, akan dibahas berbagai macam dribble yang umum digunakan dalam permainan bola basket, serta tips untuk menguasainya.

What are examples of between the legs basketball drills

These are examples of basketball drills that could possibly help players practice and develop between the legs dribble action.

These drills are primarily designed for beginners such as youth basketball players but they can also be used by more advanced players as well.

Additionally, these drills are mainly for individuals who would practice by themselves. However, the drills could also be implemented into team practices as well.

Furthermore, when executing the drills in general, players should try to keep their head up and eyes forward as much as possible. In other words, players should try to avoid looking down at the basketball whenever possible.

This is a simple warm-up drill designed to aid wrist action and finger pad control. To begin, stand up with feet about shoulder width apart while holding the basketball.

Next, move the left foot about a step ahead of the right foot. Following that, bend the knees while keeping the back straight.

Afterwards, dribble the ball with the right hand between the legs and catch it with the left hand while it is behind the body and near the left leg.

It should also be stated that the ball in the left hand should not sit directly on top of the palm as that would signify the end of the dribble. From that point, a violation would occur if the ball were to be dribbled again.

Once the ball is in the left hand, quickly execute a reverse between the legs by dribbling it with the left hand from the back side and between the legs again. After that, catch the ball with the right hand to complete the first part of the warm-up.

As for the second part of the warm-up, the instructions are similar with a few minor changes.

Therefore, to start, stand up with feet about shoulder width apart while holding the basketball. Next, move the right foot about a step ahead of the left foot. Following that, bend the knees while keeping the back straight.

Afterwards, dribble the ball with the left hand between the legs and catch it with the right hand while it is behind the body near the right leg.

Once the ball is in the right hand, quickly execute a reverse between the legs by dribbling it with the right hand from the back side and between the legs again. After that, catch the ball with the left hand to complete the second part of the warm-up.

Continue to execute the first and second parts for a certain amount of time or repetitions to finish the stationary between the legs warm-up drill.

Apa Saja Dribble dalam Bola Basket?

Dribble dalam bola basket ada beberapa jenis, yaitu:

What is between the legs dribble in basketball

Between the legs dribble consists of action that occurs when an offensive player dribbles the basketball with one particular hand between their legs and afterwards, that same player catches the ball with their opposite hand.

Also, between the legs dribble is an indirectly-related type of crossover dribble and one of several dribble moves that could be utilized to create scoring or playmaking opportunities near the basket or near the perimeter areas of the court.

In addition to that, there are two primary variations of between the legs dribble action.

In the first variation, which is also the standard form, an offensive player dribbles the ball between their legs with one particular hand as it is in front of them, and afterwards, that same player catches the ball once it is near the leg that is opposite the initial dribbling hand.

In the second variation, which is generally referred to as the reverse between the legs dribble, an offensive player dribbles the ball between their legs with one particular hand as it is behind them, and afterwards, that same player catches the ball once it is near the leg that is opposite the initial dribbling hand.

It is also possible for an offensive player to dribble the ball between the legs while remaining stationary or while moving on the court.

Dribble Rendah (Low Dribble)

Dribble rendah adalah kebalikan dari dribble tinggi. Bola dipantulkan rendah, biasanya setinggi lutut atau lebih rendah. Teknik ini digunakan untuk melindungi bola dari lawan yang mencoba merebutnya, terutama saat berada dalam tekanan pertahanan yang ketat. Dribble rendah memberikan kontrol yang lebih baik dan membuat bola lebih sulit dijangkau oleh lawan.

Crossover dribble adalah teknik yang digunakan untuk mengubah arah dengan cepat dan mengecoh lawan. Pemain memantulkan bola dari satu tangan ke tangan lainnya di depan tubuhnya. Gerakan ini harus dilakukan dengan cepat dan tajam untuk efektif mengecoh lawan. Crossover dribble sering digunakan oleh pemain untuk menciptakan ruang dan melewati penjagaan lawan.

Behind-the-Back Dribble

Teknik ini melibatkan memantulkan bola di belakang punggung dari satu tangan ke tangan lainnya. Behind-the-back dribble digunakan untuk melindungi bola dari lawan yang berada di depan atau di samping. Teknik ini memerlukan koordinasi yang baik dan latihan yang konsisten untuk dikuasai dengan baik.

Which basketball positions typically use between the legs dribble

Between the legs dribble is typically used by perimeter-oriented basketball positions such as the point guard, shooting guard, or small forward.

However, it is usually not an issue for post-oriented players such as the power forward or center to perform between the legs dribble if those players understand the basic fundamentals of dribbling and therefore have the knowledge to perform that action, similar to the perimeter players.